
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

I already started off my year thinking I will make the resolution to "GET ORGANIZED".  Yeah right. I am trying. (My family tells me I am VERY trying)... I have gone through all the lace and ribbon and thread and tossed and sorted.  But I will NOT (yet) go through the dolls and toss any. I just can't do that. If I decided to get rid of one I will dress it and offer it to someone else. 
Made my granddaughter a dress for Christmas and did one for her doll too. This month she is going to be 9 so I have a Baby doll for her but the poor wee thing needs clothes... so yep you see what I will be doing this month. (once the worst of the "organizing" is Oh and I bought myself a new doll...

At the Family Dollar they had all the toys 1/2 off so I got this one for only $12.50.  I wanted the Ariel with the legs... me and flippers don't

1 comment:

  1. I never realized the dollar store had these dolls! I'll have to post and tell about my granddaughters doll - the legless Phoebe :(


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