
Monday, October 22, 2012

Granny Is HERE!

Hi Folks,
Finally figured out how things work!...yay for me.  Dolls, my love, my therapy in unhappy times.  How did a mother of 4 a granny of 8 start playing with dolls?  Easy, I never quit...but they were the human kind for a number of years. They became my threrapy when I misscarried, when friends died and when my mother died.  Now they fill that void.

Dolls can console you...they do not condemn you. You can stick pins in them when sewing and they will not knock your head off and scream bloody murder. If you take their shoes for another they will not get all huffy and not talk to you again. They do not make messes, they do not get too noisy (remove the batteries if they do), They can be high or low maintenance or they can cost nothing.

Dolls are history as we have them back as far as man recorded what he has done in this world. Dolls are images of ones passed or to honor ones still here.  Dolls can be an alter ego. 

Now to stop boring you with my eloquence.  Just enjoy the little monkeys! Granny says so.



  1. April - so glad to see you made it! We worked hard for this :) Love your post, you are exactly right!!!

  2. April, you managed to say it all about our little friends! Beautifully stated and, yes...when my Mother would sew my clothes and I would HAVE to try it on, she would tell me 'walk to the end of the garden'..which meant, walk away a bit to check the hem length...I Hated trying on, ha.
    But, my little friends do seem to mind it one bit.
    Thank you for coming to visit and come back soon and often! kb


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